Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Offord's slackin

... so I'll provide a list of ladies about whom to debate.

Just about every male focused website and magazine has one of these, but I enjoy going through each and every one of them. Sue me. This list has a different twist regarding the eligibility rules, so there are some new faces among the bunch.

I'm also 90% satisfied with the top 10, which I usually can't say about these things.


J Offord said...

Fine I'll put it up today...Sheeesh. So should I go with Final Four and vote for 1, or stick with the 1 on 1 format?

The Gideon said...

I'd say keep the 1 on 1 format. We don't have enough voters to get a good output from a 4-person competition. The winner would get like 3 votes.

J Offord said...

Alright fine. I already posted but will switch it up.

J Offord said...

I like the Complex list (but not the order), but I did a VERY comprehensive search when I came up with my top 128. I went through about every list imaginable as well as just good ole fashioned googling, but there are some on there I missed.

FYI, if you haven't seen Shakira's video for She Wolf, google it RIGHT NOW!