Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heroes Season 4 - Part 2

In another typical Claire plot line, she is off to school to be independent and try to lead an ordinary life, but we all know that something will happen and her dad will have to save her, but then she gets mad at him for interfering, and then she figures out he was only doing what was best and they hug and he calls her Claire-bear. Well, this season is no different, so I'll save you the boring details. In short, a girl at school who can turn invisible is trying to kill her, she has an ugly lesbian girl friend, and she gets caught healing. Whatever. The invisible girl is trying to ruin her life so she would turn to Samuel's group, and to piss off Noah because he killed the girls parents or something. Dumb. It left off with Claire pondering joining the circus of heroes since she'll never make it in the real world.

He is unemployed, single, and bored after everything that happened in season 3. He is pretty key to this season because he basically is involved somewhat in every story line and sort of ties everything together. The most obvious connection is with protecting Claire, which goes how you would expect. He also mentors Tracy somewhat, and brings the Haitian back. He finds one of Samuel's compasses and begins to piece together what he's up to...I think. I actually sort of forget everything he has been doing, but he has a smokin hot love interest. She was apparently his partner before and she tried to get him to cheat on his wife, but he is a family man blah blah. Well, now that he's single he is partnering back up with her, in more ways than one! Huzzah! Actually, I don't think anything happened yet but they did have Thanksgiving dinner together, so whatever.

He finally appeared in the last episode that I saw. Since he lost his weird manmade-the fly-like power, he has been back in India with his gf/wife and teaching school. He finds some more of his father's work though and wants to find out more, so he comes to America. He wants to find a boy that was in Coyote Sands that shook the Earth when he was born. Turns out, it was Samuel (convenient timing..).

I bet you are wondering who this guy is after all the times he has been mentioned so far. Basically, he is the villain of this season, who **SPOILERS** kills his own brother and blames it on Danko to make the heroes unite with him against the humans. He has a "family" of people with powers, some of which include a blade wielding speedster, a hot gypsy lady with tattoos that can read people or something, whatever she is hot and bangs Sylar/Nathan, and an old man with Hiro's powers. In addition, he has amassed enough people to fill a large carnival. He is trying to get everyone with powers, especially our main characters, together so that he can use his power, which Hiro just revealed to him - the ability to..um move the earth. This power intensifies with more heroes around him. His motive is unclear so far, but it pretty much just seems like he is a jerk and wants to be powerful and kill humans. He has at one point or another spoke with every main character I think. His role with each is: He uses Hiro to find the information on his powers, he uses Mohinder to bring that information, he finds Nathan/Sylar after Sylar comes back from the dead and tries to recruit him. Sylar begins to see images from his past such as killing his mother in the House of Mirrors, but refuses to believe it and become it. One day he wakes up as Nathan for no reason and flies away. For some reason, when Peter touches him, he gains Nathan's power and not Sylar's. Whatever...Samuel recruits Tracy so she is joining him, and he tries to get Claire on board, but Noah is skeptical. Hiro is stuck with him for now because Samuel trapped Charlie somewhere in time, but Hiro also showed some members of the family that Samuel killed his own brother, not Danko. I think Samuel has visited Peter as well but I can't remember what happened.

Currently, "Nathan" has regained control of himself and is with Peter. They heal Parkman in the hospital, but Sylar may or may not have gotten back into his own (Nathan's) body when he touched Parkman's hand. That was where it left off pretty much, except Nathan was still acting like himself. It is yet to be seen whether or not it is actually Sylar who is waiting to shape shift back to get some revenge. Nice to know he has a motive though - boy does he hate the Petrelli's and Parkman...I am hoping Nathan turns into Sylar when they least suspect, then he and Peter battle it out to the death (hopefully Sylar wins...)

Oops I forgot Tracy. Whatever, She has been 3 different characters during the series and the last 2 have been equally as stupid and have contributed practically nothing to the plot. I want Nikki back damnit! No sign of Micah either.

It is difficult to summarize 11 episodes compactly, so I'm sure I left some important stuff out. What do you think? Anyone watching still? Don't mention yesterday's episode yet if you are because I haven't watched it yet.

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