Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Year in Movies

I'd like to put a decent review together for the best movies of '09, but admittedly I want to see many many more movies than I actually have seen. Here are my rankings for the top movies I saw this year, none of which will be in any Oscar category other than special effects probably.


DRAMA: District 9
ACTION: Star Trek
COMEDY: The Hangover
HORROR: Drag me to Hell

District 9
Inglorious Basterds
Star Trek
The Hangover
Drag Me to Hell
The Last House on the Left
I Love You, Man
Paranormal Activity
Angels & Demons
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Saw VI
The International
The Fourth Kind
The Haunting in Connecticut
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Topping the list is District 9, mainly because of originality, story, visuals, and acting. It basically had everything, and why it will not be nominated for any awards, I do not know. Well, I sort of do know. Wait, what's that? He wasn't in any movies this year? Did an angel just get it's wings?

The list of movies I want to see is too long to post, but if any of you have seen some good ones this year let me know.


The Gideon said...

I'll get around to commenting on this, I swear.

For now I'm off to Avatar, Imax style.

Ngewo said...

I need to go see avatard, i mean avatar before i make any comments. there are a bunch on this list i have yet to see, but i still think D9 was the best that i saw (or the hangover, but comedies are so hard to judge against other categories).

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J Offord said...

I just added "..Basterds" in as my second favorite movie of the year. Great movie, but doesn't quite edge out District 9