Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No Quiz

Since everyone else is hammering out the quizzes for now, I will just post the results to last weeks. I will take a week off from coming up with one.

1. Tyler Durden-Fight Club
2. Allanon-The Shannara Series
3. Vash the Stampede-Trigun
4. Simon Belmont-Castlevania
5. Gordon Freeman-Half-Life
6. Selina Kyle-Catwoman (Batman Returns, variety of comics...)
7. Aunt Beru-Star Wars-Episode IV
8. William Munny-Unforgiven
9. Mr. Darcy-Pride & Prejudice
10. Starscream-Transformers
11. Deedlit-Record of Lodoss Wars
12. Tom Bombadil-Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (also the Adventures of Tom Bombadil)
13. Susie Derkins-Calvin & Hobbes
14. Roran Stronghammer-Eragon (Inheritance Cycle)
15. Rorschach-Watchmen

Greg and Gideon both tied with 8 apiece. I give the tie breaker to Gideon for creativity on guesses.

Alright, I lied. This is not a quiz, but instead a collection of riddles. Do not cheat, use your brain on these.

1. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
2. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.
3. What can you catch but not throw?
4. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I?
5. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red.
6. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside.
7. What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
8. What gets wetter the more it dries?
9. The more there is, the less you see.
10. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen.
11. What kind of room has no windows or doors?
12. I have holes on the top and bottom. I have holes on my left and on my right. And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water. What am I?
13. I look at you, you look at me, I raise my right, you raise your left. What is this object?
14. It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bones, and blood all at the same time. What is this object?
15. The more you take the more you leave behind.
16. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for much more than a minute.
17. As I walked along the path I saw something with four fingers and one thumb, but it was not flesh, fish, bone, or fowl.
18. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
19. I went into the woods and got it, I sat down to seek it, I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it.
20. What can fill a room but takes up no space?
21. It is weightless, you can see it, and if you put it in a barrel it will make the barrel lighter?
22. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
23. Only two backbones and thousands of ribs.
24. Four jolly men sat down to play, And played all night till the break of day. They played for cash and not for fun, With a separate score for every one. When it came time to square accounts, They all had made quite fair amounts. Now, not one has lost and all have gained, Tell me, now, this can you explain?
25. Jack and Jill are lying on the floor inside the house, dead. They died from lack of water. There is shattered glass next to them. How did they die?

Also, I saved the page where I stole these from, which has the answers, but I did not look at them yet. So I too will participate in this one.


J Offord said...

This is a quiz of riddles, don't fool yourself.

1. A Railing
2. The aliens in Signs
3. A Cold
4. Could be many things, I'll go with Refrigerator
5. A Match
6. Egg whites?
7. A terrified midget in a satellite?
8. A Towel
9. Again many things, I'll go with Darkness
10. Stars
11. A Mushroom?
12. A Human?
13. A Mirror
14. I don't know, a torso?
15. Hmm. Time?
16. His Breath
17. -
18. A River
19. A Tick?
20. Soo many options...I'll go with Laughter.
21. I dunno, helium balloons?
22. Silence
23. My cousins at Outback.
24. -
25. -

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I didn't see the other movie quiz! I would've only gotten 5 anyway...

1. a railing or maybe even a rug...
2. fire
3. a cold
4. a river? or an appliance... a dishwasher, a sink, a fridge...
5. a match
6. egg whites makes sense. i'm thinkin corn on the cob, though.
7. no idea
8. a towel
9. fog?
10. dreams... or stars
11. good work again, offord. i would've never guessed that.
12. a sponge
13. a mirror
14. ?
15. ?
16. breath?
17. ?
18. river/stream/creek
19. a splinter?
20. a lingering fart
21. a hole
22. a secret
24. they were playin music
25. jack and jill are fish

Greg said...

1. A railing?
2. A fire
3. A cold
4. Water. I imagine that this one has many answers. A car, your mouth...
5. ?
6. Corn
7. ?
8. Old one. A towel.
9. Darkness
10. Stars.
11. ?
12. A sponge
13. A mirror
14. Your body?
15. ?
16. Breath
17. What the hell kind of fish or fowl has fingers or a thumb??
18. A river
19. ?
20. Silence
21. A hole
22. Silence
23. A railroad?
24. ?
25. ?

Kudos for not including anything from the Hobbit. I've heard those about 1000 times.

Ngewo said...

1. Railing, or carpeting.
2. A flame?
3. A cold.
4. A river.
5. Match
6. ?
7. Stamp
8. Towel
9. Darkness
10. Stars
13. reflection
16. A breath?
18. a river.
22. silence.
25. Jack and Jill are fish.

Haha, a midget in a satellite.

Greg...i stole these from some teacher website.

The Gideon said...

1. Carpet
2. This one bacterium... I forget the name
3. Cold
4. Air conditioner
5. Match
6. Corpse... or cow
7. Globe
8. Towel
9. Darkness
10. Stars
11. Champagne room
12. My ex-girlfriend
13. Mirror/reflection
14. Skin
15. Time
16. A feather on fire
17. Glove
18. That one creepy guy that's always at the bus station
19. AIDS
20. Light
21. Fire
22. A promise from my ex-girlfriend
23. Rib eating contest
24. They were playing "who can make the most counterfeit bills"
25. AIDS

Unknown said...

1.railing, bannister, or your mom piggy backing.
3.a cold, clock, playstation
5.a zit egg
8.a prostitute
10.stars, crickets, the boogie men eat n park break room
12.a human
13.a mirror, or more particular a reflection
14.a mouth before brushing teeth
17.a tree or smoke?
19.your mind
23.the 2 croyles holding up an all you can eat buffet.
24.they invested in senior insurance accounts...those baby boomers are old now...or since they were all jolly, they all gained each others friendship.
25.they died from lack of water...the answer was right there, if that's not the answer, the answer they gave is wrong.