Friday, June 5, 2009

Coming Out of Retirement

I can't recall the last post I put up here, if there were any at all. I'm not even sure if I should be posting on the pancake or on my own blog - I just chose here because I think mine may have atrophied by now.

Anyways, this has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. I've officially been unemployed during that span, for reasons I'm not sure I'm at liberty to disclose. At least that's what the agreement I signed says - which always confused me: what if I had blogged before signing? Would I be legally in the clear then? Hmmm. Either way, it boiled down to my company having some internal strife and my department getting axed entirely. Kinda lame, actually. The strange part is, leading up to the end of days I didn't feel any apprehension, or even loss. I wouldn't say I was upbeat, per se, but to the untrained eye I may as well have been.

I don't want to say that I didn't like my job; I loved the people, the end product, the processes by which that end product comes to fruition. Even the day-to-day work wasn't so bad - and yet I remained unfulfilled on almost a daily basis. I'm not exactly sure why that is, though. Maybe it's some deep seeded belief that I'm destined for more than where I was headed. Maybe it's because my fantasy team was a bunch of underachievers.

All I know is that when that last day came it didn't feel like a burden was heading my way, but rather like the last day of school before summer vacation. Like the whole world was out there waiting for me, I just had to heed it's call. Thoughts of catching up on some reading (books were purchased), finally learning to play Scar Tissue in its entirety (the guitar was taken out of storage), finishing up that screenplay (a notebook was purchased... even though it all goes down in Word, so that was a waste of money), taking up Japanese again (the associated Rosetta Stone was "acquired") all danced through my head. And what happens? 14 days of movies, video games, live E3 coverage, and Sam Adams Summer Ale.

Now, my severance should be able to tide me over for a while, but if I'm not going to pursue other avenues of potentiality, the least I could be doing is busting out a job search every now and again.


The next seven days will decide everything...


Ngewo said...

Well good luck on the job search or something. I can always use a cook at, you could live with me, it would be like old times. 'cept we would have to share a bed...

J Offord said...

I need a new job too...applying is such a pain though. When I first started reading your post I didn't know who wrote it so I assumed it was Josh. Then I was very confused about what department closing might mean...alas, the question was for naught.

Good luck with the job search though, just never get into freight forwarding (importing/exporting...yes like in Seinfeld.)