Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A lack of information...

It came out a couple of days ago that all the questions still around in Lost will not be resolved at the end of this, it's last, season. Frankly, I find that offensive. I can't recall how many times over the years where we've been told that we were being strung along during the shows slower stretches for a reason. That the writers were building towards some ultimate goal; essentially that everything will be explained in the end.

Now we know that's hogwash. There are still unexplained tidbits out there, some old - some new, and if all of the biggies aren't tied up, there'll be heck to pay. Mark my words. And I still wanna know what the smoke monster is. No half-ass answers allowed (though I bet they'll never bring it up again). What do you guys think will remain a mystery come 2011?


Ngewo said...

I have a feeling that some things will be left unanswered. I have a feeling the whole Walt storyline will not be resolved. Does Walt have super powers? Did he cause his mother's death? Will they start a new series of Lost in like 5 years, Walt somehow ends up on the island with a whole new group, and he becomes Locke, and Locke becomes Ben? Hmmm...

What other questions do you think will get ignored?

In all honesty, the smoke monster does not matter to me anymore. I feel like whatever they give will not satisfy everyone. They go nano-cloud defense system, then people will bitch because it is like a Crichton book (Prey?), an avatar of the island, too simple...

Ngewo said...

What about the voices? Will that get explained?