Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ghosts are for F.A.G.S.

My last comment at NGEWO's blog that was sort of about religion got me thinking about something that has been bugging me lately - ghosts. On Halloween, roughly 68 channels were playing some form of "ghost hunters" or ghost stories, and of course, my girl friend is one of millions who actually enjoy watching it and take it seriously. Watching ghost shows for me is like watching The Biggest Loser, mainly because I can't sit through the show without pointing out every little thing that is wrong or stupid, and laughing at the people involved. I 'tried' to watch an episode of one of the ghost shows, and all I saw was people running around in the dark and pretending they hear noises. Seriously, I could create one of these shows and make millions, just like the people who do this on TV. Honestly, they are geniuses because they are probably making bank by playing Americans for fools.

1. Assemble a "team" - who wants to join in with me?
2. Come up with a dumb acronym to make your team sound professional - I'm thinking F.A.G.S. (The Foremost Authority in Ghost Situations)
3. Buy thermal imaging devices, night vision goggles, cameras, and anything else you see in the "How to Find Ghosts For Dummies" book - I suppose I will need some investment
4. You probably want to either read up on some ghost stories and 'facts', or at least hire some loon who thinks they are an expert to consult with when making up shit - anyone know anybody? If you can't find one, I think watching other episodes of the ghost shows will suffice. Plus, you can always make up your own 'facts' and stupid people will believe them.
5. Find some abandoned locations you can film in - It helps to find a jail or insane asylum, at least for your pilot episode, but really any house/building will do. You can just make up a back story and pay some old guy to read a script you write about the 'history' of the place. No one fact checks these things, believe me.
6. Make sure to have a chick in your crew - I think most of the people who watch these shows are girls, and can relate to a girl that is scared better.

Okay, so now you are ready to begin filming:

7. Plant some props around the building you can make up shit about, then walk around in the daylight and point these out - You could break a window a say a crazy person tried to escape their murder here or something, really the possibilities are endless.
8. Have a pep talk with your team and discuss your 'mission', then head inside while it's dark. - Known Fact: Scary ghosts only appear when it is dark. Day ghosts are lame and probably just want to play with your cat or something.
9. Have at least one person planted in the building to drop rocks or knock on the walls - You could probably just add sound effects, but it makes it more believable if you hear something then react to it. It really is that easy to scare people.
10. Talk to the 'ghost' - By now you've made up some back story about some traumatic thing that happened there to somebody, so pretend like you feel their presence and tell them you are there to help. This is probably the most important step, and requires some acting ability. Be sure to have someone knocking in the background too to give the illusion the ghosts are listening.
11. At some point, get panicked and run out of the building - Not hard to do. You will probably be bored out of your mind and ready to pocket some cash.
12. Hire a good editor - I certainly know nothing about it, so you will need someone to add scary music and star wipes and the such.
13. Pitch your idea and filmed pilot to Fox - Instant millions!!


Ngewo said...

As you know, I love Ghost Hunters. Not because I believe in ghosts or anything, but because they characters are entertaining (although, Destination Truth has surpassed GH because Josh Gates is hilarious).

You don't even need someone to make sounds, you just need to look at the camera and say "did you hear that? sounded like a little girl laughing." Or, "oh my god, did you feel that? the temperature just dropped." Then have someone stand there with a thermometer and be like "yeah, it went from 71 to 68 right there."

Also, we (i say we because i am totally in, as long as this does not interfere with me and gideon's vampire hunting team...) need some digital recorders so we can do EVP sessions. And then every episode we can point out what EVP stands for and make sure to never point out that skeptics believe EVPs are just people's minds playing tricks on them...

damn, i have to go to work.

jason's sense of said...

i hate those shows too. it is pretty ridiculous.

james randi did a fake psychic thing on at least two occasions. one instance pretty much fooled all of australia with some faith healing thing. brilliant stuff.

i'd be a part of something like that.

J Offord said...

Okay we got 3 people. I think we need Gideon (for his electronics expertise, obviously) and at least 1 girl. I wonder how much money it would take to put this all together...oh and Kevin's sister or cousin or something is in the movie business, I think. She might be able to help get us someone to pitch to.

The Gideon said...

I want to believe in ghosts, simply for so that I can dream about eventually becoming one. Except I'd be a cyborg ghost.

I do think those ghost shows are bs; I'd much rather watch an episode of House Hunters or something else from HGTV. At least something actually happens in those shows. I'm all about the resolution. I'd still be down to do our own take on the show, though.

J Offord said...

Anyone have the cash to find this project? Or a decent credit rating?