1. Full Name?
2. Hair/Eye Color?
3. Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?
4. Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?
5. Favorite Band?
6. Favorite Movie?
7. Favorite Book?
8. Name all the sports I played from 3rd grade to my senior year.
9. Who lived with me at State College Park apartment 352?
10. Have I ever broken a bone?
11. What foreign countries have I been to?
12. What was my major in college?
13. When I was a server, what was my introduction to tables?
14. What is my record in fights against my brother?
15. What kind of underwear do I wear?
Have fun with this one guys. Here are the answers from last week:
1. Mexico-Mexico City
2. Canada-Ottawa
3. United States-Washington D.C.
4. Panama-Panama City
5. Jamaica-Kingston
6. Jordan-Amman
7. Iraq-Baghdad
8. Egypt-Cairo
9. Albania-Tirana
10. Latveria-Doomstadt
11. Madripoor-Madripoor
The previous two are countries in the Marvel Universe, Latveria is the kingdom where Dr. Doom rules with an iron fist. Madripoor is a tiny island that resembles Singapore and usually is a place where villains tend to live.
12. The Persian Empire-Persepolis
13. Ireland-Dublin
14. Kazakhstan-Astana
15. Earth-haha, Adam got that one, E, that comes from a joke when we were younger, my dad asked him what the capital of Russia was and Adam replied "R." I did not think he would remember that...
I was surprised with how knowledgeable Adam and Offord are at geography. Offord scored 8 right, plus gets a bonus for actually knowing a city in Kazakhstan. Adam also scored 8 and gets the capital of Earth, which gives him 9, but that should not really count since it was an inside joke. So, I will call it a tie and just say that I am very impressed. If you are wondering, the only two I did not know were Albania and Kazakhstan.

I'm half-drunk and guessing.
1. Joshua James Xerxes Croyle
2. Black/brown
3. LaBatt's or Budweiser?
4. Mountain Dew
5. mmm....Dispatch? Or O.A.R.?
6. I honestly don't know.
7. Again, couldn't narrow it down.
8. baseball
9. Can't remember.
10. Yes.
11. Jordan
12. Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
13. How yinz doin' tonight?
14. I've only seen one...
15. Boxer briefs
1. Joshua Brody Croyle (haha)maybe...Matthew?
2. Black, Brown
3. Budweiser
4. Mountain Dew
5. OAR?
6. 300?
7. The Dark Tower?
8. Baseball? unless you count softball and bowling?
9. Was this before I knew you?
10. I'm going to go with no
11. Jordan, Mexico, Canada, Philipsburg
12. Classics and Mediterranean Studies
13. Welcome to Eat n' Park, my name is Josh, can I start you off with something to drink? (or was that what I said..)
14. 1-0
15. Boxer briefs
I feel like I should know more...I'll blame it on not seeing you for so long :(
I'm gonna feel awful if I lose this one... haha
1. Joshua James Croyle (J.J. haha)
2. brown/brown (pretty much the same as mine/mine)
3. Crudweiser or Miller Lite
4. Mountain Dew
5. Our Lady Peace
6. Fight Club, Star Wars?, Monty Python and the Holy Grail... I never knew you had a FAVORITE.
7. Watchmen? I don't talk about books with ya very much, obviously.
8. baseball, wrestling, basketball, golf
9. Was this when ya lived with Jackson? Eric?
10. No.
11. Jordan, Egypt, Mexico, Canada.
12. Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies.
13. "Heyyyy, how's it goin?"
14. There's no way of knowing this. It depends if you consider our fights as kids... or if you consider nights where you were hammered and I had to beat ya around to keep ya in order... orrr the nights where I was hammered and you had to keep me in order. I honestly have to say that there can be no right answer to this one.
15. Boxer briefs. You were wearin FTLs but I think I saw Hanes in your laundry the last time you were home..?
1) Joshua James Croyle
2)Brown/ Brown
3)Miller light currently
4) Dew
5) listening to a lot of dropkick murphys lately, but all time.. i dont really know... our lady of peace, bloodhound gang
6)i would say star wars or chronicels of narnia, or 300.
7)Watchman as favorite graphic novel.. i think...
8)little league, wrestling, and golf. love the picture on your moms fridge.
9)justin, eric and i think the other ones name was dan?
10) no
11) Jordan, Egypt, Canada, and now Mexico.
12) CAMS
13) " Hey folks how ya doing? Can i get you started off with a refreshing Ice-T or an exciting espresso beverage, or how about one of our tasty pepsi products?"
14)I think its most likely a tie now...
15) Boxer Briefs. Black, gray and multicolor striped.
I tried
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