Sunday, September 14, 2008

and i'm going to give it to them...

hi. this is my "who we are post." i'm not a yeti.

i don't like to use capital letters. we are lucky i'm even using punctuation.

i'm exceedingly rational. i am a committed skeptic and atheist. i live by several tenants, i'll summarize them briefly:

1. everyone lies.
2. someone somewhere always screws things up.
3. everyone acts out of self-interest, the trick is finding out what they see as their self-interest.
4. as far as the world goes, there is only the normal and that which we haven't explained yet. nothing is unexplainable, there is no paranormal.

i'm on my second career. my first was as a restaurant manager. that didn't work out very well. not that i was bad at it, i just couldn't stand doing it. turns out, i don't like restaurants. i don't like irrationality or excessive exaggeration. there is a lot of that in restaurants. people have no concept of reality, and apparently, they think that telling me their food is "ice cold" is more offensive than if it is only room temperature. news flash, its not. its just more annoying. and people never seemed to understand that you are there to help them and fix problems.

i still fix problems. i'm kind of a fixer in ways. i fire people, i come up with clever solutions to problems, and i try to anticipate what other people want or will do. i try to figure out how we know who did what, and how to beat them. sometimes i figure out how to convince people they are going to lose, even when they think they are right. that's not easy to do. everyone always thinks they are a winner. they aren't always right about that.

that's as much as i want to say what i do. this gives the reader some perspective about where i'm coming from though. that might be helpful. maybe do some proverbial light shedding.

enjoy the day. hopefully our compatriots post. maybe we should find some depressing stats about all of us. like we are all single and over the age of 27. how modern is that. or collectively we all total less than four stories in height. or our collective weight. or maybe that kooch is taller than offord and I combined. that is making me forlorn...


Ngewo said...

Actually that is not true, some of the folks are younger than 27. Kern, Offord, Allison, Keystone Croyle...

jason's sense of said...

i should ninja edit that then!

The Gideon said...

I'm only 26 at the moment also! My bday's in 2 weeks though, so it's pretty temporary. Speaking of which, I'll be in AC the weekend of the 27th if anyone else'll be.

jason's sense of said...

i'd tell you where i will be but it is a closely held secret. i have a job to do that weekend.

The Gideon said...

Wait, you're not doing any "Vincent" stuff... are you?

J Offord said...

Are you a combination of Michael Clayton and the Wolf?

jason. said...

Having the name "Jason," and being an atheist is cool. Just sayin'...

Allison said...

I am borderline 27 as well. and taller than all of you put together.

H.T., I was just in Atlantic City this past week. you should....alter time....and have been there too.
