Monday, March 23, 2009

Perhaps Waffles are the Breakfast Food du Jour

I never thought I'd write an engaging, interesting (I thought so at least) Pirates blog and get absolutely zero responses, but alas that day has occurred. I am stricken with sadness to realize that no one cares anymore about what I write, although I'm not surprised. I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you all who did read for the fun conversations, it was nice having people care what I wrote, and maybe once the season starts interest will spark up again. We shall see.


Greg said...

*shrug* I don't follow sports. I've been struggling to interest people in my blogs for a while. It's tough going. You're not the only one - it's a big internet.

jason's sense of said...

i actually enjoyed your article, but had nothing worthwhile to add. i thought it was very insightful, and seemed to put a lot of the data i've caught about spring training into a sensible format. good stuff offord, but sadly, i had nothing i could add. that, and people did stupid things all day yesterday, which means i'm pretty busy.

J Offord said...

Well it's good to see at least 4 people are still reading. I guess Ryan is just busier now with his job at Lonestar or Outback or some steakhouse restaurant, I forget.