Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Steroids, Brett Favre, Manny, or Michael Phelps

I like sports. I like ESPN. I like most other sports/media outlets. But enough is starting to be enough. It is beginning to be difficult to distinguish ESPN from TMZ. Things are being beaten to death to the point that I navigate myself away from the site when I see a story that is so, either blown out of proportion or continually overreported.

- Why can't we put the steroids era behind us? I could not possibly care any less about Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds than I do right now. We have finally moved past one of the sorest times in our national pastime, yet the media feels it necessary to remind us with not only one headline article a day, but two. Please stop for the sake of our sanity.

- While it is too early to start the speculating, I'm sure the "will he/won't he" saga will start up soon with Brett Favre again. Why do we care? Why does the media care? I can't really explain it. Who even listens when they talk about it on the air? Can't we talk about hockey more and less about meaningless crap?

- Did you know that Manny Ramirez rejected an offer? From which team you ask? Possibly any or every team. Great, his agent is Boras and he wants more money, we got it. Can you please just report when he signs, you in the media are only making things worse.

- I get it, Michael Phelps smoked pot overseas, where it's legal (I think, I don't know and don't care). His sponsors don't care, we don't care, get over it. Phelps had his 15 minutes, forget about him for another 3 years.

If ESPN executives are reading this, f&%$ off.


Ngewo said...

ESPN has a lot of money involved in the NFL, so therefore, anything NFL related must be a story. That is why the NFL draft will get a super amount of coverage during the next few weeks. I bet money that the combine leads Sportscenter. No matter what.

The Manny thing reminds me of TO. We have to report everything he does, therefore giving him attention, but then every media person has to make the comment "all he wants is attention..."

J Offord said...

Agreed. By writing a blog entry condemning coverage on him I also inadvertently covered him...Dammit.